Sunday, 4 September 2016

Free spirit, swirls and a seven day challenge

As I have mentioned in a previous post I had signed up to a mini 7 day challenge on this website  It's been great to see what others have been doing via her members only Facebook page, and I have been encouraged by others comments. It's also nice to encourage others. 

The challenge is to create a series of art works, which is not something I did very often until I did my art foundation course, and learnt to repeat and refine my work, and to explore other possibilities. I am not the best at sticking with things, preferring to move on rather than revisit, so it was a useful and frustrating skill to learn! 

So what have I been doing? Well we are now on Day 4 and here's what I've been up to! I used the free spirit drawing I'd previously done as a starting point. It's on this blog post

Day 1 using thin pens and exploring text. I like how it flows, but it is a bit wispy and doesn't have the strength or boldness I want. Interesting to explore my ideas in words though.

Day 2 I got out the sharpie markers and mixed text, swirls and stars. Flowed much better, colours much bolder. Not sure about the dots.

Day 3 I used coloured pencils. Not as flowy due to the texture in the paper, and not as bold. A worthy experiment, but not the ideal medium for this image. Like the 'flow across the page'.

Day 4 back to the sharpies and I joined all the swirls up so the flow was even better. Interesting to do as I had a certain small person demanding bits of banana I between swirls! Working while he eats his dinner is good in that I can sit with him (we eat later) but it isn't exactly uninterrupted!

It'll be interesting to see what happens next! We have been continuing with our Harry Potter filmathon, and I so want to capture some of that magic. I also want an immediacy and a sketchy look. I am wondering how the swirls would work as a monoprinting technique.

Day 5 here we come! 

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