Friday, 9 September 2016

Freedom and setting myself free!

As you may know from my last blog post, I've been taking part in a 7 day miniseries challenge. I'd posted the first four days so here's what happened next!

This is day 5. I wrote free spirit then covered it with swirls, which is a technique I have used before. I see it when faced with a lovely large canvas that I was given and I felt intimidated by, so I wrote on it, then painted over it. I knew the messages where there but you couldn't see them, so the painting, or in this case the drawing, has to speak its own message!

Day 6 and I'd had some useful feedback via the Facebook group that was set up for the challenge that perhaps my free spirit was getting a bit trapped! It certainly feels rather squashed and the swirls have become rather heavy. 

Day 6 part 2! This is a collaboration between my and my mini artist! At 16 months old he is just beginning to make marks, so I held his hand and we did some scribbles together. This was an 'ah ha' moment! He picked the colours that grabbed his attention, and just placed the marks where he wanted, even if they were on top of each other, without worrying about balance or composition. I wanted to be this free!

Day 7 all my own work this time! I used pencils, just picked the colours I liked and tried to copy Simon's mark making technique. It was very freeing, although I did not that I wanted to try and make it balanced!

Here's the whole mini series starting top left and heading down to bottom right.

I learnt that I need to really chuck out the 'rules' that I have in my head, and it definitely takes me to another place creatively. Don't do what you think you ought to, try and go with feelings or intuition! Exciting to see where I go next!

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Free spirit, swirls and a seven day challenge

As I have mentioned in a previous post I had signed up to a mini 7 day challenge on this website  It's been great to see what others have been doing via her members only Facebook page, and I have been encouraged by others comments. It's also nice to encourage others. 

The challenge is to create a series of art works, which is not something I did very often until I did my art foundation course, and learnt to repeat and refine my work, and to explore other possibilities. I am not the best at sticking with things, preferring to move on rather than revisit, so it was a useful and frustrating skill to learn! 

So what have I been doing? Well we are now on Day 4 and here's what I've been up to! I used the free spirit drawing I'd previously done as a starting point. It's on this blog post

Day 1 using thin pens and exploring text. I like how it flows, but it is a bit wispy and doesn't have the strength or boldness I want. Interesting to explore my ideas in words though.

Day 2 I got out the sharpie markers and mixed text, swirls and stars. Flowed much better, colours much bolder. Not sure about the dots.

Day 3 I used coloured pencils. Not as flowy due to the texture in the paper, and not as bold. A worthy experiment, but not the ideal medium for this image. Like the 'flow across the page'.

Day 4 back to the sharpies and I joined all the swirls up so the flow was even better. Interesting to do as I had a certain small person demanding bits of banana I between swirls! Working while he eats his dinner is good in that I can sit with him (we eat later) but it isn't exactly uninterrupted!

It'll be interesting to see what happens next! We have been continuing with our Harry Potter filmathon, and I so want to capture some of that magic. I also want an immediacy and a sketchy look. I am wondering how the swirls would work as a monoprinting technique.

Day 5 here we come! 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Inspiring and nurturing creativity...and pasta

I've got a bit distracted...I decided on Wednesday night that I wanted to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I loved watching it again but it meant no evening to do much creative. Then we decided to keep going and watched most of the Chamber of Secrets last night. 

When time is limited, sometimes you have to make a choice. I had to choose sit and immerse myself in a great film that's a real favourite or spend some time doing some drawing or sewing. Tough choice, but both have their benefits. Although I didn't get to do much creative, watching the film topped up my sense of creativity and magic and possibility. Creativity needs to be fed and natured, not just by doing it yourself, but also by enjoying the work of others. After my last blog post with the free spirit drawing, a friend recommended a song of that title by her favourite band. I had a listen and downloaded it because it captured some of what I am trying to capture. Inspiration comes from many places. 

So have I done anything creative over the last couple of days?

I did some more work on the gift I am making, but no photos!

I also made pasta bolognese in the slow cooker. Simon enjoyed it, but me and Adrian decided the sauce was good but slow cooked pasta is not so great!

Here's the leftovers for Simon's dinner tonight!