Thursday, 4 August 2016

Lesson from a toddler - play and learn

I've been having a bit of a struggle recently as all the stress of moving calms down, and I try and get into a routine of life without builders around the place, and without all our usual toddler groups going on over the summer. I've packed our time with people to see and places to go, which is great, but tiring when you try and fit in all the other stuff. Yesterday was a prime example - take the car to be serviced (nuisance) and spend time with Mum and Dad (fun) while it's being fixed. Home for a nap and lunch then off to a new friend for a play date. Also fun, but nerve wracking as I realised we hadn't been to many other people's houses since Simon started walking! Other people's houses all full of interesting toys, including many this that you aren't supposed to play with! Simon just wandered in and made himself at home...I would love to be that relaxed and confident!

So was there time for creativity?

There was the inevitable breakfast smoothie, which is our weekday breakfast.

Then there was chocolate chilli which I made for dinner - basic chilli, but I add about a tablespoon of cocoa powder (not hot chocolate, proper cocoa powder) which makes it rich and yummy!

Then there was not a lot. I was tired and feeling a bit fed up really. Adrian had to go out in the evening for a little while so I grabbed my chance and just did some scribbling....literally.

Some more lettering. I like the top one, but the bottom one didn't really work out. It needs more time and thought, and my brain was not in a place to do that last night. Looking at it this morning, perhaps I need to draw circles first, then try 'slicing' the bits out?

After the lettering, I felt I wanted to be freer, I wanted to just draw, not think, just draw, quickly and without a plan or purpose, or even much thought.

So here's the results of that. I'm sure you could read a load of deep meanings into it, but I usually draw swirls and stars, and I like the strength of an underline compared to the flow of a loop or swirl.

I then did this one, which was a bit more purposeful.

And here's the final picture...

I am learning so much from my little guy being around. I've been keeping the tops from his baby food pouches as I thought they would be good to play with. They fit nicely in egg boxes, come in bright colours and are not teeny tiny and have ventilation holes in them if they go in the mouth! I put them on Simon's high chair tray while we ate dinner and he played for well over half an hour! They went in and out the box, in and out an egg box, on the floor with cries of 'help' to ask us to pick them up. I showed him colour sorting using plates from his tea set but that was a step too far at the moment. 

So what did I learn?

Be confident going in to new places...expect to have fun!
Explore things fully, keep playing and playing, trying new stuff and repeating stuff until you get good at it!

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