I realised recently that I need to be creative, as in I need to breathe or eat or sleep. Life without a creative outlet is not much fun. In fact it seems like half a life, tiring, boring and relentless.
So I started thinking what creative outlets do I already have in my life? What do I do in the day that's creative in any sense? I want to notice it and enjoy it.
Then I came up with the idea of journalling it here, just for a while, and maybe not every day, but when I can manage. I am determined not to burden myself with stuff that makes life not fun! So no tutorials, and photos if you're lucky!
Here's how I was creative today...
I cleared weeds from this bed, hoping to turn it into a fruit and veg bed in the future.
I weeded the front garden and weed killered the shrub that we dug up, which keeps reappearing! (Does killing stuff count as creative?!)
Putting this stuff on my blog is not about me saying 'look how fantastic I am'. Blogs that make you feel rubbish because your life isn't the perfect image that they project are just so damaging. In fact it's that kind of blog that makes me feel inadequate and like I am failing all round at life. So this isn't about that, it's about me noticing that I still have creative outlets in my current stage of life. Creativity isn't relegated to the back burner until Simon is bigger; it's running through my life like Brighton through rock.
So expect all kinds of creativity - cooking, sewing, drawing, gardening, making tea, playing a game with Simon. But it'll be honest, the best I could manage in the circumstances type creativity, and I want to notice it and celebrate it!
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