Tuesday, 19 June 2012

There at last!

Finally the projects are finished, the hooks are hammered in and my final major project is complete! Tonight was the private view for our exhibition, and today was the first time I've seen my installation as I planned it to be. Have a look at some previous posts to find out about my inspiration.
It's called 'Claiming Sanctuary' and consists of 4 parts:
A torn curtain which represents the stresses and pressures of the everyday world
A wall hanging to represent a cathedral, the sense of space and peace.
A memorial plaque, which is a very personal piece, in memory of 3 babies I lost to miscarriage last year.
An icon of St Clare, the patron saint of embroiderers.

I'm so pleased with how it's come together, and that people went in for a look, which I was worried they wouldn't!

Really going to miss my fellow students, but not all the research!


  1. Wonderful Jo. I wish I could have seen it in person

  2. Well done Jo, it was definitely worth all the effort you have put in.
    Time for a breather now I hope.
    Lynn and the Doodly Birds x

  3. This is amazing, Jo. What a blessed memorial to the loss of your children. Blessings!
