Friday, 17 June 2011

3d Project

To follow on from the 2d fine art element, we moved into 3d fine art, with the same theme of 'The Medium is the Message'. I felt very inspired by the artist Jospeh Cornell, who was interested in space and created these amazing little boxes of objects. He was also very influenced by the circus, feeling that the performers demonstrated laws of physics. This led to my Celestial Circus!              
My first celestial circus!

A Joseph Cornell inspired box, using the constellations - Ursa Major and Minor, Pisces and the sun.

The front of my Joseph Cornell box.
I then decided that I wanted to make a big circus using the constellations as the performers. I made a wooden board as a base, with six sections for my performers. I discovered that I really enjoy working with wire, so I made a wire big top with acrobats for the top of the circus.
Base board with six sections

Wire big top with some of my performers

Top view of my circus

Painted circus. I chose these colours because my family has connections with Pinders Circus and these are their colours.

Wire Pegasus and rider, inspired by my great-great aunt who was a bareback rider in the circus.

Ursa Major and Minor - this counts as a ready made, using ready made objects in your art work.

I wanted a traditional circus poster to advertise my celestial circus.

I tried making an automaton. It worked, just! I was inspired by Alexander Calder's circus.

Hercules and Leo the lion

Venus and her love potions

Wire big top complete with acrobats, I chose to name them after stars, and where there are two acrobats I called them after twin stars.

The nearly finished circus. I added some little battery powered fairy lights. Ideally I would love to have this on a rotating stand with appropriate circus music.

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