Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Thinking too much!

I've been thinking really hard about how I did this week and where next. I'm a little unclear as to the final outcome of the project, and have sought some clarification from my tutor. My main feeling at the moment is that the images aren't conveying fully the message I want to convey - and then I got thinking, what is the message I'm trying to convey? I guess it's about modern modesty, about bucking the current trend for dressing like a porn star. Having grown up in the 'eighties when the feminist movement was still so strong, it seems like such a backward step that some women dress the way they do, seeming to have little self respect and dignity. I probably sound really old fashioned now, but I think words like modesty, respect, dignity and femininity are really important, and I guess that's what I'm really trying to say in my project. It's not about being frumpy or unfashionable, it's about following the suggestion Paul made to the Corinthians of not looking like a prostitute, which seems sensible advice to me!
For me expressing an opinion is a risky business. I am trying very hard to ditch my people pleasing tendancies, because if I am going to be an artist, I need to learn to express myself in regard to my work, and if I want my work to reflect me, then I need to be prepared to take the responses both positive and negative, to weigh them, and give them the attention that is necessary for me to develop. Thankfully I've got God working on the inside, so it's not all down to me!

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