Monday, 31 January 2011

More Printing

I really love printing and it's been great so far in this project to really be able to experiment with some new techniques and ideas. In my last post I talked about feeling inspired by space themes, so I've done some more printing on a space theme.
I used a roller to create this Martian landscape, blending 3 inks - yellow, red and cerise

Using the same inks I rollered onto textured paper.

I used the blended plate as a basis for adirect trace. It wasn't great so I rollered over it with black and then added some direct trace labels.
After exploring the Martian colours I decided to explore the earth from space idea and did the following pieces.
Using a blue-green blend I made a mask and created a circle of ink using the roller. I then added white acrylic clouds and a label using direct trace. "Like a blue-green marble floating in space. And life continues on that blue-green marble though I am out here."

I used the mask from the print above to create this print. It was inspired by the story that if there are male and female astronauts on the space station they argue about the heating levels! The direct trace writing says "Strange to think that above our heads an arguement may be raging about the heating."

 These prints were produced at home but we've also been in the print room some more. I had my first attempt at drypoint etching, which I loved. Unfortunately the ink didn't really agree with me and I had an almighty sinus headache the next day! A shame because I think the results are great!

Drypoint etching - a silver teapot. I am so thrilled with this!

Chine colle - applying tissue paper to the etching plate before printing.
After attempting these we moved onto linocuts. Again I loved using this technique and have been pretty thrilled with the results. I love the folky feel to them.
First try - a small coffee cup. I was trying out different lines here.

Tea in the garden. I am thrilled with this too, even though the teapot doesn't have a lid! Oops!

The same linocut on gingham paper. It works well.

With a collage base, which I tried to match to the elements of the linocut, with some success.
 I really do love printing. I like the techniques, the waiting to see what the result is. There is a kind of magic to printing, an element of surprise that is so much fun. This is definitely something I want to come back to!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

New Year and a Fresh Start

I didn't do too well at posting during the last project, mostly because I wasn't really enjoying the media element! It was a bit hard going, and although I found things to enjoy, as a whole the project turned out a little disappointing. So, New Year and Fresh Start! This term we are working on 2d and 3d fine art. I was really looking forward to making collages and painting but we are supposed to be working in abstract and I HATE it! I am not an abstract artist! I have tried hard. We had to make 10 collages, with no theme or anything representational. So here are some of mine.
My first collage - silver, white and transparent

My second collage - spots and ribbon

My third collage - trying to work small but failing!
 These are the first three I did, and I just feel they're a bit nothing-y. I could just have easily used a box of what I used to call 'licky-sticky' shapes. I felt like I was doing what I was told when in fact I could have produced something of a much higher quality if I'd worked representationally. I have realised that I already know enough about myself as an artist to know that I like my art work to tell a story, and although I don't need photorealism for that, I do like things to look a little more like something rather than just a collection of stuff stuck on some paper!
OK - rant over! We are also working on printing this term - hooray! Although we were encouraged by the tutor to work in abstract, she also said that she never does so not to worry if we'd rather be representational! So we started with monoprints - direct trace etc, which I LOVE! So here are some of my first prints. I chose a space theme as a couple of my collages looked a little like planets.

Direct Trace - Space theme

Using a pencil and my thumb to create a ghost like image
Direct trace using several colours - I think this has worked well.
In the style of Rauschenberg's Stoned Moon series

Combining colours, pencil and fingers to add pressure and lift the ink.

Wiped away with a cotton bud
A mask for a print

Mars Rover - using the above mask

Martian landscape using wipe away technique

The Rover was too pale so I used the mask!
I am happier with these because they have a theme. I love the immediacy of printing, and it's magic - you never know quite what you will get! After working on these I tried some space themed collages, which were a little abstract but I am still not happy with them. I think I am trying too hard with the abstract that, and it's getting in the way of my style.
Space as a theme is also maybe not quite right. I love space travel, espcially anything to do with the Apollo missions, but I feel like I am wasting some of that enthusiasm on something that is not really working. I want to make the most of the space theme. So I have just been researching teapots!